Decoding the New Criminal Laws: A Social Justice Perspective – Transcript of Discussion

Resignations and Resistance Amidst State Inaction: Chronicling Garment Work During the Pandemic

Participation in Play – Demonstrating a Practicable Approach to People’s Participation in the Context of Policy Making during COVID-19

ದಿ ಕ್ರಿಮಿನಲ್ ಪ್ರೊಸಿಜರ್ (ಐಡೆಂಟಿಫಿಕೇಷನ್) ಬಿಲ್; ಪೊಲೀಸ್ ಕಣ್ಗಾವಲಿನ ಕರಾಳ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆಗೆ ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಪುಷ್ಠಿ

How Places Matter – Understanding Workers’ Responses to Garment Factory Closures during the Pandemic in Bengaluru and Srirangapatna

Podcast – Right against Gender Discrimination in the realm of Religious Practise – in conversation with Zakia Soman

ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ಕುಗ್ಗುತ್ತಿದೆ ಅಲ್ಪಸಂಖ್ಯಾತರ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸುವಿಕೆ

Why we need to be concerned about the DNA Bill

Anti-Trafficking Bill: A travesty of legal principles

Posters on SC ST (Prevention) Atrocities Act – English and Kannada

Forced Resignations, Stealthy Closures

Laid-off during the pandemic: A case-study of the closure of a garment factory

Garment Workers, COVID-19 Pandemic and the Lockdown: A Report from South Karnataka

Street Vending: Pakka Legal! – A comic about the Street Vendors Act, and their right to livelihood




Contract Pourakarmikas Struggle Relentlessly for Better Wages: Lekha KG

Breathing Life Into The Constitution

Law Commission’s Questionnaire on the Uniform Civil Code: A Critique

Demonetization, the informal economy and civil society

The Padayatra from Dantewada to Gompad: Liberating the Tricolour from the clasp of violence

The Changing Face of the Family- Guardianship, Custody and the Law

Hate’s tryst with destiny – Prof. Kalburgi’s Murder

Governing Speech on the Internet: From the Free Marketplace Policy to a Controlled ‘Public Sphere’


Empathy, Craft and other Lessons to Learn from the US Same-Sex Marriage Decision

A Carriage of Injustice

A Primer on the Transgender Rights Bill

Application by Union of India Asking For Clarification of Transgender Judgement

Karnataka Amendments to Goonda Act

The Aesthetics of Discrimination: Street Vendors and Public Spaces

Press Release: One year of NDA government

ALF Response to Article on Caste Diversity in the Development Sector

Forced Into Marriage by Social Pressures

Research for an Indian Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Statute

For Those Marked “Other”

Rajya Sabha passes Transgenders bill aimed to uplift community (Read the Bill)

Report on Consultation on Net Neutrality in the Indian Context: Reality v. Rhetoric

Net Neutrality for a Web of Equals

Government Must Ensure All People Get Unhindered Access to Public Spaces

Regulation of OTT Services

How AAP Could Decriminalise Homosexuality in the National Capital Region

Internet.org Comes to India

All Internet Users, Pay Attention

How Internet.org Presents An Opportunity To Rethink Freedom Of Speech

Thanks to CBFC, we need to come up with better abuses today

The Death Wish of the Constitution?

Dignity First: One Year of Resistance to Re-Criminalisation of LGBT Lives

Book Review: Insights on Film Piracy (EPW)

Order by Karnataka HC directing that Street Vendors Act must be followed while making Streets Safer for Pedestrians

High Court Order in Bangalore Metro Rail Construction Workers’ Case

ಕಾನೂನಿನ ಗೂಂಡಾಗಿರಿ, or Goondagiri of the Law (Kannada and English)

Call for Public Comments on Framework for Rules on Rights of Street Vendors

Remembering Naz

Ruling in India Not the Last Word

Response to Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on Media Laws

Understanding the Problem of Piracy: A Perspective From The Issue of Access

Not just his and hers

Third, but not separate

National Legal Services Authority versus Union of India — Preliminary Reactions

Crimes of Unreason

The Road to Decriminalization

Penguin India served legal notice on agreement to withdraw and pulp “The Hindus: An Alternative History”

We Dissent

Struggling for Reason: Fundamental Rights and the Wrongs of the Supreme Court

It’s Not My Job To Tell You It’s Okay To Be Gay

Queer Women and the Law in India

The Articulation of Queer Rights: The Emerging Right to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Analysis of Justice Somashekhara Commission Report

All in All, It’s Just Another Hole in the Wall…

Constitutionalism and the Possibilities of Peace

Sexual Minorities and the Police in India: Towards a Regime of Accountability

Subaltern Queer Cultures in the Era of Hindutva

Proposed Changes to Law relating to Sexual Assault

Documentation of a Right that Dares To Speak Its Name: The Delhi HC Naz Foundation Decision

Teachers and Academics Against 377

Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Culture Commons

Malnutrition and Destitution among Adivasis in Kerala

Captive Democracy: A Fact Finding Report On Abuse of the Criminal System to Curb dissent against the POSCO Steel Plant in Odisha

FAQs concerning the Copyright Amendment of 2010 (revised to 2012)

Fact Finding Report: Death of Manual Scavenging Workers in Hasan, 9 July 2011

A Milestone Verdict in the Domestic Worker Struggle

Sedition Laws & the Death of Free Speech in India

Fact Finding Report: Death of Manhole Workers in Kolar

Srishti (Ad-Anhad) Judgement

Where Angels Fear To Tread: The Ayodhya Verdict

Information Pack on Patents (3rd Amendment) Act, 2004

Ishrat Jahan Judicial Enquiry Report

Comments on Draft Cinematograph Act 2010

Dalit Studies and Law

The Right That Dares To Speak Its Name

Fact Finding Report: Death of Three Manual Scavengers in Karimsaab Layout, 9 May 2009

Complaint to the SHRC: Death of 1 person & Injury to 1 person while laying of underground drainage in Vyalikaval

Representations on Manual Scavengers’ Death in Bengaluru

Summary of Final Arguments Before the Delhi HC in the Naz Foundation Case

Comments on Proposed Broadcasting Bill and Content Code

Democracy, Political Dissent, and Repressive Laws

Comparing Mashelkar Committe and INTERPAT

Response to the Proposed Amendment to the Copyright Act 1957

Laws That Lack Foresight

Terror Has No Boundaries

Queer: Law and Despised Sexualities in India (Book)

Draft of Proposed Amendment to Patent Act – 2003

Draft letter to the PM urging him to consider the impact of the amendment on access to drugs

Fact Sheet and Myths about Pharmaceutical Patents