Our Team

Profiles of Core Members:

  1. Basawa Prasad Kunale is working as a full-time Litigator with ALF. He graduated in the year 2017 from Gujarat National Law University Law University. His areas of work includes majorly criminal and labour litigation.
    Email: basawa@altlawforum.org.
  2. Harikrishnan R is a lawyer with a Master’s in Access to Justice from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. He works as a litigator mainly representing clients in cases involving anti-discrimination, labour, constitutional, and family laws. His areas of interest include intersectional discrimination based on caste, class, sexuality and gender.
    Email: harikrishnan@altlawforum.org
  3. Manavi Atri is a lawyer and researcher at ALF. Her areas of interest include anti-discrimination frameworks pertaining to gender and sexuality and Media Law.
    Email: manavi@altlawforum.org
  4. Mrudula V is working as a full-time litigator at ALF. She graduated from Gujarat National Law University in 2017. Her focus areas primarily include litigation concerning rights of gender and sexual minorities, women, land rights of marginalised groups, institutional discrimination and criminal law.
    Email: mrudula@altlawforum.org
  5. Narasimhappa TV is a lawyer and holds a Master in Social Work from Bangalore University. His focus is on child development, specific to nutrition with the ‘Right to Food’ and ‘Right to Education’. He also works along with Anganwadis, the urban homeless shelter in Bangalore, access to entitlements. He was recently appointed assistant advisor to the Supreme Court of India on the ‘Right to Food’ case.
    Email: narasimha@altlawforum.org
  6. Poorna Ravishankar is a lawyer and researcher, whose focus area of studying has been the Indian Constitution. She also works on advocacy and litigation regarding matters of queer persons, sex workers, domestic violence, family law and women’s rights.
    Email: poorna@altlawforum.org
  7. Syeda Saba is a full time litigator at ALF working on issues relating to women and children, and also actively works on advocacy and litigation for issues faced by sex workers.
    Email: saba@altlawforum.org
  8. Usha R. holds a Bachelor degree in Library Science from KSOU. She has been with the organisation since June 2006. She is in charge of the ALF library.
    Email: usha@altlawforum.org
  9. Vinay K. Sreenivasa’s areas of interests include Urban Transport, Urban Poverty, Informal Sector and Urban Governance. He has also been part of initiatives promoting Free and Open Source Software in the government. He holds an engineering degree and was in the IT industry till 2007.
    Email: vinay@altlawforum.org
  10. Aishwarya R. is the Fundraising and Communications Coordinator at ALF.
    Email: aishwarya@altlawforum.org

Governing Board

  1. Arvind Narrain
  2. Madhu Bhushan
  3. Vinay Sreenivasa
  4. Basawa Prasad Kunale
  5. Poorna Ravishankar